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Getting started in Welsh!
S'mae! Elin dw i. (2:37)
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Uned 1 - Getting Started
1. Yr Wyddor - The Alphabet (2:54)
2. Pronouncing vowels (2:50)
3. Pronouncing diphthongs (6:49)
4. How to pronounce words yn Gymraeg (10:50)
5. Practising pronunciation
Uned 2 - Greetings and being polite
1. Saying hello & goodbye (3:11)
2. Introducing yourself (2:32)
3. Saying please and thank you (1:35)
4. Asking someone how they are (2:57)
5. Vocabulary & Patterns in this Section
Uned 3 - Basic vocabulary
1. Days of the week (0:59)
2. Months of the year (1:47)
3. Numbers 1 - 30 (2:57)
4. Colours (1:43)
5. Some common verbs (1:51)
6. Vocabulary & Patterns in this Section
Uned 4 - Talking about the weather
1. Different types of weather (2:02)
2. Talking about the weather (2:13)
3. Grammar interlude - introducing mutations (2:50)
4. Vocabulary & Patterns in this Section
Uned 5 - Places
1. Place names in Wales and Beyond (8:39)
2. Saying where you live (3:45)
3. Grammar Interlude - more mutations (8:00)
4. Saying where you come from originally (5:47)
5. Vocabulary & Patterns in this Section
Uned 6 - Verbs
1. Talking about yourself and other people - To Be - the Present Tense (5:11)
2. Connecting bod with other verbs (4:00)
3. Saying you have done something - the Perfect Tense (3:03)
4. Vocabulary & Patterns in this Section
Uned 7- Likes and Dislikes
1. I like coffee! (1:58)
2. Vocabulary - Food and drink (3:54)
3. How to say what you don't like (2:43)
7. Vocabulary & Patterns in this Section
Uned 8 - Possessions and Relations
1. Vocabulary - Basic objects (1:51)
2. How to say you have something (4:16)
3. Vocabulary - Pets and other animals (1:36)
4. Saying you don't have something (4:16)
5. Vocabulary - Family members (2:01)
6. Asking others if they have something (4:35)
7. Vocabulary & Patterns in this Section
Uned 9 - Review
1. What you have learned
2. How to practise your Welsh
3. The Big Quiz
4. More resources to help you
5. Congratulations and thank you!
Bonus Resources
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Suggested Books and Media
3. Grammar Interlude - more mutations
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